Cairn Gorm and the Northern Corries

5 min readAug 19, 2023

Cairngorms National Park is the largest National Park in the UK. The park is situated in the Scottish highlands and is full of breathtaking terrain. Therefore, it was a must-visit during my time in Scotland.

The little town of Aviemore is where my friends and I stayed during our two-day trip to the Cairngorms. Aviemore was only about 3 hours by bus from our study-abroad host city, Edinburgh. The five of us were only able to get away from our studies for the weekend, so we made do with the time we had.

We stayed for one night at the Aviemore Bunkhouse at the Old Bridge Inn. The bunkhouse is a common place for travelers to stay when visiting the Cairngorms. We were able to book a reasonably priced room for the five of us. The accommodation felt like the perfect jumping off point for our first time staying in a hostel. The charming Inn is settled right by River Spey, the third longest river in Scotland.

After waking up when the sun had barely greeted the sky, I felt incredibly glad to have chosen this hostel. While my friends slept for awhile longer, I crept out of the room to have my breakfast and coffee by the river. Watching the water flow below the cotton candy sky was a serene experience that I’ll never forget.

View of River Spey from outside of the Aviemore Bunkhouse.

The rest of my group had woken up shortly after I stomped back into the room to get ready for…

